Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008............Hello 2009!!!!!!!

What I have learned in 2008

1.  dark denim always looks best
2.  when your tooth gets even the slightest tinge of pain go straight to the dentist...don't wait!!
3.  when you turn 35 the idea of having children will completely take over your thoughts
4.  quality vs. quantity
5.  that a baby from Ethiopia that I have never met nor seen will eventually be apart of my family
6.  you can be friends with awesome women that don't live in your town or even in your state
7.  that you can change careers every year if you want
8.  purses. self-tanning, and makeup always make me happy!!  
9.  walking my dog is good for her and me
10.  having dance party with your animals and husband in your bonus room is the best time!!!
11.  Edward awaits me in Forks  (for those of you who love Twilight you understand)....
12.  to be a better listener
13.  I need very very few material items - less is way more!!!
14.  I am truly happy and blessed to be alive, healthy, and in a wonderful loving marriage!!!

Goals for 2009

1.  BABY......that is all that needs to be said!!
2.  officially become Catholic
3.  sell my freakin house!!!!!!!!!!!  this year it will happen!!!
4.  no worrying about what people think of me....I have this pretty much accomplished but a brush up never hurts...
5.  be sweeter to my mom....

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