Friday, October 24, 2008

This and that

Yesterday I had the best lunch with a new friend!  She just brought her daughter home from Korea...

H is exactly what I need in my life.  Positive, fun, spiritual, sweet, kind...thank you H for talking me through my my fears and for praying for B and I!!  

Through this adoption experience it is simply amazing how many wonderful people and families that I have met!  

Thank you to all of our awesome supportive friends.  Thank you for believing in us and praying for us.  

PS - you all that have adopted in Nashville - who did you use to look over your referrals and medical info?? 


Leah Reeves said...


Just checking in. I read your post about all the questions people ask, great answers.

Chantelle said...

Love reading your stuff.
Has anything sold as of yet? Dying to know!
I am happy to know you through thos process!

Trendy Mindy said...

Well - nothing has sold. Not my house or our business. DANG could we get a break here!! :)

We are having serious issues with a few CLOSE people..if you know what mean. I have been doing a ton of praying about it all. It has been making it really hard on both of us with the lack of support - it makes me say "am I doing something soooo wrong to have such negative reactions" Being facetious here.

Thank you both for checking in - means a lot to have my fellow bloggers out there!!

Kristi J said...

Don't get down about negative friends!! I promise they'll come around and the way I looked at it, "I don't want people in my life that judges someone on skin color"...I don't want them around my children and I can assure you that God doesn't judge because of skin color....Jesus died on the cross for all people...not just white..I've had to remind a few people of that....AND, when we go to heaven...every race will be together...that gets people on board pretty quickly. I told someone last night at a party...(older couple)..."children of AFrica don't deserve to die and starve to death just because their skin is browner than mine"...that opened their minds!!!! I'd love for you to come over next time we all get together, kristi any time: 415-9099